We focus on the patient stratification evaluating the cardiopulmonary function, aiming to personalize the ventilation strategies to avoid ventilator-induced lung injury and readiness to wean from the ventilator.
Develop standards for testing & manufacturing
Carry out a pilot clinical validation
Ensure rapid clinical adoption & industrialization of the manufacturing process
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About Vascovid
We will deploy and mature our portable, non-invasive and real-time health monitoring platform for this purpose. This platform combines two bio-photonics technologies, time-resolved near-infrared spectroscopy and diffuse correlation spectroscopy, and is the fruit of long-term collaboration between core project partners in two European projects (BabyLux and LUCA) where high technology readiness level has been achieved for neuromonitoring and thyroid cancer screening.
The goal is to adapt the platform to meet the needs of a typical ICU dealing with COVID-19 and other patients requiring ventilation, as well as to leverage large-scale testing of new treatment procedures and therapies aimed to address microvascular impairment and to reduce extubation failure on ICU patients weaning out of mechanical ventilation life-support. The platform is easy to deploy, cost-effective, and provides real-time fast results and its transition to clinical practice will be eased through this project by pushing CE certification. Our interdisciplinary consortium is well-suited for these activities and will interact closely with our ongoing clinical study spanning four countries and a dozen hospitals.